This lady here is one of the reasons I have not had the brain power or the time to write anything witty and gay. For the last month I have been working on a project for the idea that spawned the following community . I got paired up with a young man from Turkey and it's been quite intesesting trying to communicate through, language, cultural and time barriers. At the moment my doll is waiting for her story. This is the project we'd come up with, I would make a new doll and he would write a story to go along with her. I am of course impatient and had to give a little sneak peak here and there.
What I really should say is that She is impatient. I'm found over the last year of working with these little creatures that they all take on a but of a personality of thier own. Often times when I am working on one I recieve instructions on how she will look rather than having to spend a whole lot of time thinking about it. Once the main fabric for the body is chosen it's on like donkey kong. So she got tired of sitting around on photobucket and wanted to show off a bit. It's her I swear, not my own artist's ego at all.
Either way you can also check out our collaboration journal at . I've added some photos that show a bit of the process of making the doll.
Next time I'll talk about wonderful dance things.